Appenino l’Altro. Studio morfologico e nuovi spazi collettivi per la Valle Bormida

July 2021
Author: Paolo Bianco
Tutor: Prof. Marco Trisciuoglio
Co-tutor: Arch. Simona Della Rocca, Prof. Elena Camilla Pede
Master in Architecture for the Sustainable Project, 2021
What would happen if we turned our backs on the Alps and tried to observe the Italian peninsula looking towards the Mediterranean? We would notice the existence of a vertical Italy, linked by a backbone, the Apennine one, which expresses in every part a uniform culture, an anthropological, urban, morphological and cultural unicum. Is where the Apennines born, a few kilometres from the Colle di Cadibona (SV), that the gentle hills planted with vineyards of the Astigiano or Monferrato are transformed into a mountain landscape. Here, the ups and downs between narrow and semi-unknown valleys, at times, reveal a cruel and primordial land of oak or beech woods that divide pastures and hazelnut groves cultivated on the hillside: the Bormida Valley, straddling the border between Piedmont and Liguria, a marginal area. It is with these premises that the study proposed in this thesis has the ambition to take a picture, without incurring easy nostalgia, the state of a forgotten territory, with the aim of collecting the traces of a past that risks disappearing. In parallel with the survey, the thesis propose, through six projects that are based on the principles of the National Strategy of Internal Areas, a new network of services that offers an alternative life scenario to those who live here or who choose to return here. Traces of a past that decide the future of the unknown and different Apennines, the other.

The thesis was evaluated as worthy of mention by the Architecture Commission of the Politecnico di Torino.

The thesis was nominated for the Premio Fabio Favaretto 2021, fifth edition.

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